Aeromaster Composting System (ACS)

Making the Highest Quality Humus Compost

The Aeromaster Composting System (ACS) is a systems approach for the production of high quality Humus Compost and its use in high production agriculture.

The higher the quality of the Humus Compost produced, the greater the benefit to the soil and the greater the increase in crop quality and yield – far greater than the results that can be achieved with typical compost.

A two (2) to Four (4) year implementation of ACS Humus Technology is the best system we have found for improving agricultural profitability.

The people of Midwest Bio-Systems (MBS) are THE experts in the production of compost.

Regardless of your goals, whether it is to use the composting process to eliminate a waste stream or to make high quality organic fertilizer, MBS can make you successful. MBS is best known, however, for its ability to produce very high quality humus compost that has a powerful impact on soil fertility.

Combining our Aeromaster compost turners with our Advanced Composting System (ACS) methodology, we know how to produce the highest quality compost end product available on the market today. We are able to do this because we understand what the crop needs to grow to its full potential — naturally — so we have developed our process and methods to produce compost that gives the crop what it needs. We did not begin with the thought, “How do we degrade this large organic waste stream?” but rather with, “What do the soil and plant want?” This reverse engineering was how the ACS was developed.

Now a frequent ACS Compost Workshop speaker, Craig Witt, operator of Full Circle Compost of Minden, NV, originally selected Aeromaster compost turners and the ACS because: “When I was first considering composting, I talked to seven composting equipment manufacturers. The first six talked about their equipment — Midwest Bio talked about the soil.” This is what distinguishes our approach to composting from that of the rest of the industry. Focusing on results in the soil instead of waste disposal is a paradigm shift for the composting industry.

ATTRA (The National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service arm of USDA) scientist, Steve Diver, recently said regarding Midwest Bio-Systems’ ACS Composting Workshops, “You get information here you do not receive anywhere else.” MBS teaches the compost-soil-plant connection so that you learn what is happening and why.

Typically, composters utilizing our compost turners and system (relative to their competitors in the USA) receive from $20 to $40 more per ton for their compost, and their customers receive an additional $40 to $80 additional benefit per ton when it is applied to their fields. Several of our lower volume speciality producers are receiving up to $120 per ton in bulk for their finished high quality humified compost product.

Our Composting Equipment:

You can find a cheaper compost turner, but you cannot find a better one. Recently a customer called with a repair problem and noted that he has owned his turner for seven years and this was his first breakdown.

MBS has more than 400 Aeromaster compost turners in the field. Our equipment has replaced the equipment of numerous competitors at existing compost sites. We have a proven track record.

MBS manufactures compost turners in a variety of sizes with a wide range of capacity to meet your needs. The PT-120 tractor-pulled model is ideal for producing up to 10,000 tons of compost per year in a seasonal climate. Our PT-130 model is capable producing up to 20,000 tons per year. The newest additions to our line of compost turners is the 170 series which can turn windrows that are 14’ wide and 6.5’ high. These machines come in either the tractor-pulled PT-170 version or the SP-170 self-propelled model. The 170 series equipment is aimed at operations producing more than 35,000 tons per year, turning compost at the rate of 2,670 cubic yards per hour at 0.3 miles per hour. The PT-120 turns windrows that are 10’ wide by 4.5 feet tall, the PT-130 turns windrows that are 11’ wide by 5’ high.

Features and Functions

Both self-propelled and pull-type compost turners feature the following:

  • One man operation — No separate water truck is necessary for watering the windrows.
  • Reduced compost production cycle time — Typically eight weeks from windrow formation to a finished product when using an Aeromaster turner combined with the ACS system.
  • The variable speed drum maximizes humus formation. Machines with excessive drum speeds pulverize feedstocks and retard, rather than enhance, the composting process. Our drums work in the 150-300 rpm ranges — the optimal environment for a quality end product. Microbes make compost, not equipment.
  • Our watering system applies water to the compost as it is tossed over the drum, distributing the water evenly throughout the material rather than just on the outside of the windrow which results in “dust here and mud there.” This equal distribution of moisture is essential for an optimum microbial environment.
  • This same watering system enables proper distribution of inoculant (the addition of special beneficial microbes) when water is applied to the windrow. Inoculants can be ineffective when applied with many watering systems on the market.
  • Aeration or the exchange of carbon dioxide in the windrow with air having its full oxygen content. Grover Landscaping of Modesto, Calif., measured carbon dioxide levels at 18% in front of their previous machine and 15% after turning. They switched to Aeromaster compost turners and found carbon dioxide levels at 18% before turning and 1% after.
  • The drum can be moved vertically removing the drum from the windrow at any time. This enables the operator to view an interior profile of the windrow to assess progress or, if the material is too wet, simply pull out and move on.
  • Durability — It is not uncommon for us to receive testimonials that a customer has used the equipment for 2-3 years without a single hour of down time, which is most unusual in this industry.
  • The finished product — Most importantly, we will challenge any of our competitors to utilize their equipment and their composting methodology or system, then submit their finished product to an independent lab comparison of the vital characteristics of their compost compared to same characteristics of compost produced with Aeromaster equipment and the ACS methodology.

Our Consulting Services

We view ourselves as a full-service company that does not believe it is successful until you are successful and are achieving your composting goals. We do not merely “sell iron,” but offer numerous consulting packages and custom tailored consulting services to serve your needs. We do more in the area of education in the production of high quality humified compost than anyone in the industry. MBS serves as a technical consultant at well over 100 compost sites.