
Aeromaster Composting Systems (ACS) Workshops

Midwest Bio Systems offers composting seminars, providing you with the knowledge and skills necessary to improve and increase your compost operations. Our workshops teach you and provide you with the resources needed to save money, increase product quality, save time, and create a nutrient-filled soil. Aeromaster Composting Workshops focuses on teaching the fundamentals, the medium experienced, as well as the more in-depth needs.

Our composting seminars cover a variety of topics and abilities needed to run a successful composting business. Our workshops include composting profitability, how to effectively manage your compost site, and in-depth knowledge of humus compost and soil fertility. Check out our available workshops below and sign-up today to expand your skillset and effectively understand compost operations.

Available Aeromaster Advantage Workshops

mid west bio systems workshops

Compost Workshop: Composting Profitably

Whether you want to end up with the least amount of cost in your compost, OR you want to optimize the value of your end product, this workshop is a tremendous resource!

Most people focus on the initial cost of starting up a compost operation. Midwest Bio-Systems helps our customers understand what their average cost per cubic yard or ton is in a 5 year timeframe.

Understanding the initial investment along with the 5 year operating costs, results in being able to control the lowest overall cost outcome. 

Upcoming Workshops: 

Soil Workshop

Soil Workshops: Understanding Soils

Get an in-depth knowledge of humus compost as it relates to soil fertility. Topics will cover the impact of humus on the soil and the plant, best practices for humus application, and effective humus supplements.

Upcoming Workshop:

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