by onefireus3r | Apr 12, 2019 | Q&A
Criterion: Manure Spreading: ACS Composting: Odor Odors long present and offensive to neighbors. Odorless after 3 days. Pests A home for pests, weed seeds, & pathogens. Few flies; weed seeds & pathogens destroyed. Leaching Nitrates & ammonia often leach...
by onefireus3r | Apr 12, 2019 | Q&A
Criterion: Aerated Static Piles: ACS Composting: Mixing & Blending Thorough mixing and blending of materials does not occur. Thorough mixing and blending occurs enabling interaction of carbon and nitrogen atoms. Aeration Airflow can form channels...
by onefireus3r | Mar 26, 2019 | Article, Q&A
Increased Control: In the ACS compost production process, windrows are covered to prevent heavy rains from damaging the compost while maintaining moisture in hot weather. The covers block ultraviolet rays from the sun, protecting the microbial population while helping...