How Hard is Your Soil? 

Penetrometer video of Liquid Humus Extract 


The Penetrometer Test
1st time checked Aug. 4, 2020
2nd time checked Oct. 2, 2021
Application rate:
10 gal/acre every 7-10 days
Approx. 10 applications
Compacted or tight soil cannot receive water.

Click on the photo to start the penetrometer demonstration/video. 

Humus is NOT a fertilizer, but "side-effects" may include:

Reduced soil compaction
Plant Root Stimulation
Healthier Root Growth
Enhanced and more effective Photosynthesis harvesting more sun into each plant
More resilient pastures & hay fields
Increased yields
Better forage & feed quality

Lower input costs
Less reliance on fertilizer
Less need for pesticides
Less need for irrigation
Healthier livestock
Happier customers
Unhappy fertilizer salesmen
A sustainable future for your farm


Plants use calories from sun energy similar to how people use calories, but in the plant world, it’s a measurement of energy by 1000 calorie units called a kilocalorie. This natural energy comes directly from the sun and is one of the most important factors in your plant’s growth. The more kilocalories your plants can absorb, the better.

The average amount of Sun Energy that shines on each square meter in the US is around 1.6 Million Kilocalories of Energy. The average farmer utilizes 3,000 to 4,000 Kilocalories per square meter per year to grow their crops. Utilizing Midwest Bio-Systems’ humus protein technology, farmers have tripled their amounts to over 9,000 Kilocalories per square meter!

Humus proteins stimulates root tip growth,
which stimulates more photosynthesis and
that causes the plant to utilize more kilocalories of the sun’s energy.


The increased biodiversity and availability of micronutrients to the plant enables it to produce more complex sugars and richer flavor compounds. Whether you’re feeding hay to cows, or vegetables to your children, EVERYONE will notice a difference in the taste!


The humus “red” cup test was performed in Spring of 2023.  


  • Loosens Soil Compaction
  • Improves Drought Resilience
  • Promotes a Disease Suppressing Environment

Composting, a microbially-driven process, demands meticulous ingredient selection and processing for a harmonized and consistent breakdown. Aeromaster Humus, derived from the sun energy captured during the photosynthesis process of plant growth, is an organic, nutrient-stable Humus Compost. It fosters a symbiotic relationship between microbes and plants whereby any plant may select specific microbe species to expand on demand to meet the plant’s current nutritional needs in real time.

The key lies in a controlled composting process that first captures volatile substances, including photosynthate and former sun energy, being released from the decaying organic materials in the compost windrows. To do so, clay soil and a special microbial inoculant is added to the windrows. This potent combination is activated by decaying organic materials to produce a powerful enzyme that captures the volatile compounds. This produces a product with unparalleled plant-available energy.

During the second phase of Humus production, microbe species known as humifiers are added to the windrows. These microbes generate long-chain carbon molecules in protein form, stabilizing the compost and any remaining volatiles, while ensuring nutrients are readily available for plants.

 As the windrow matures, the humus chain forms crumb-like structures around clay particles, creating an environment teeming with microbes—the essence of Aeromaster Humus. This Humus boasts unparalleled nutrient holding capacity. Applied to the soil, Humus promotes an environment that encourages deeper root growth, giving plants increased access to moisture and nutrients.

In contrast, traditional compost, especially if unfinished or derived from manure, may be semi-reactive, odorous, and potentially harmful to plants. Even finished traditional compost lacks the captured volatile compounds transformed into humus protein, offering only the value of NPK nutrient content. Moreover, traditional compost may tie up nutrients, harbor weed seeds or pathogens, or contain elevated levels of unreduced salts and chemicals.

 When applied, Aeromaster Humus effectively loosens tough and compacted soils by structuring clay colloids at the molecular level. This results in a spongy structure that not only retains more moisture but also creates space for air and water movement in the plant root zone.

Users of Humus witness improvements in soil tilth and better moisture control. Less water is required inside the plants to produce higher yields. Humus applications have decreased fertilizer inputs and enhanced overall productivity. Notably, the positive impact of Aeromaster Humus applications extends into future years.

Click on the photos (to the right) to preview the Humus Presentations. 

Contact our office for Humus pricing and availability: 815-438-7200