

Pull-Type Compost Windrow Turner

The Aeromaster PT-190 pull-type compost windrow turner is designed for large compost sites producing over 40,000 tons of finished compost per season.

The decision on what size Compost Turner to purchase is often based on limited area constraints in which the customers can achieve their volume objectives in a smaller than ideal area for their compost site. Another deciding factor of the size of the turner that is chosen is based on labor limitation and the maximum number of tons to the minimum amount of labor goals.

Lastly, one of the main reasons for purchasing the larger turners are, that a truck hauling the feedstocks to compost can back and unload while driving forward forming a windrow and then turner can go through with a minimum amount of loader work to form up the windrows before they can turn the compost windrows the first time.

Its innovative design allows the operator to aerate, blend, and add water & inoculants in a single pass.
The rugged PT-190 is built from a simple design using heavy duty components to maximize machine life while minimizing required maintenance. The drum has a belt drive driven by a PTO driveline to cushion the metal fatigue allowing for a much longer use with little to no wear to the drivetrain.

Driveline safety is provided by an auto trip PTO driveline that disengages if it encounters excess stress. When the drive train stops turning, the clutch resets, and turning can restart immediately.

The retractable drum hydraulically lifts out of the windrow in seconds at any time to allow inspection of the windrow inside profile or exit the windrow for any reason. An optional road kit can be installed which allows the turner to be reoriented into an 8 ft tracking position in order to tow the turner down the road to another location.

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