

Compost Tea Extraction Systems

Agricultural Compost Tea Extractors

Aeromaster Extracted Compost Tea is an economical way to deliver many of the benefits of high-quality compost efficiently and effectively. Compost tea brewers are popular and many people promote utilizing the compost tea brewers as a good solution for growers. However compost tea brewers do not effectively allow for all of the microbes to stay viable once the brewed tea is applied to the field. Our goal is to extract Humus Proteins out of Humus compost because humus proteins allow microbes to expand up to 30 generations or more on the leaf surface or in the soil such as among roots etc. depending on the stimulus of the environmental needs. Our 250- or 500-gallon compost tea extractors produce a water-based extraction of the soluble and suspendable minerals, both humus proteins and humic substances, enzymes, and microbes from high quality compost. High quality extracted tea is a source of humus protein and beneficial microbes that can add significant benefits to soil fertility and plant health.

Aeromaster Extracted Compost Tea is made using more compost than can be effectively used in the production of tea using the traditional brewing process, therefore extracted tea typically contains three times the compost solids, enzymes, and microbes per gallon compared to brewed compost tea.

After extraction, the microbes in extracted compost tea are in a dormant state, consuming the oxygen in the water at an extremely slow rate which extends the usable life of extracted tea to typically 2-3 months. The comparable shelf life for brewed tea is 24 hours because the microbes are activated during the process and quickly consume the available oxygen in the water. Once the oxygen is depleted, tea quickly becomes anaerobic.

Contact us today if you have any questions about our compost tea brewers. Our team of professionals will be more than happy to provide you with the support you need.

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