
Commercial Composting Operations


Assessment Services from MBS

We offer a wide range of material analyses to ensure that all the necessary factors for a successful commercial composting operation are present. These factors include feedstock, water, clay, soil, plant tissue, and final compost.

Please contact us for a unique MBS authorization number that corresponds with the type of tests our lab will run.

Phone: 815-438-7200
Email: Info@MidwestBioSystems.com

Analysis Submission Forms

Click form title to download form.

Clay Lab Test Submission Form

Clay is a key component for creating Humus Compost and increases the ability to capture volatile compounds in regular composting. Use this form to submit a clay sample to Midwest labs. 

Compost Sample Shipping Instructions

Download these instructions to learn how to ship your sample directly to the lab.

Compost Lab Test Submission Form

There are several different ways to analyze compost. Our analysis looks at the minerals present in your compost and determines the amount of soil impact your compost will have. Use this form to submit a compost sample to Midwest labs. 

Feedstock Quality Submission Form

It’s critical to know the characteristics of your feedstock so you know what percentage of each material to use in your recipe. Use this form to submit your feedstock sample to Midwest labs. 

Plant Tissue Profile Submission Form

Tissue sampling gives you the ability to see what minerals were assimilated when the plant was growing. Use this form to submit a tissue sample to Midwest labs. 

Soil Sample Shipping Instructions

Download these instructions to learn how to ship your sample directly to the lab.

Soil Mineral Profile Submission Form

Knowing the exact mineral content and balance of each mineral in contrast to the others is important. Use this form to submit a soil sample to Midwest labs.

Water Quality Submission Form

Water evaporates due to the heat energy that is released in the composting process. Water quality impacts absorption and microbial activity. Use this form to submit a water sample to Midwest labs.

Contact Midwest Bio Systems today for your commercial composting operations and analyses!