
The Microbial Inoculation Process

Composting is a microbially driven process that:

  • First, breaks down organic matter, then
  • Builds that material into humus.

Having the right microbes on the job at the right time is what makes high quality, high value compost.

Midwest Bio-Systems offers compost production inoculants formulated to optimize the composting process at each inoculation point: the SYNCHRONIZATION, BREAKDOWN, BUILD-UP, and STABILIZATION phases of the composting process.

SYNCHRONIZATION is the part of the composting process where slower reacting materials are pre-treated so that when they are mixed with faster reacting materials, the breakdown of all materials in the windrow ends at approximately the same time.

BREAKDOWN is the portion of the composting process where organic matter is broken down by microbial processes and their resulting heat. Nitrogen is converted from ammonia (NH3) to Nitrates (NO3). Inoculation with ACS N-Converter provides the specific microbes best suited to efficiently and effectively break down organic matter, convert the ammonia to nitrites, and then nitrates. Nitrogen conversion is the factor carrying the greatest weight in compost quality. ACS N-Converter also increases the overall microbial population and its diversity.

During HUMUS BUILD-UP, the simple compounds from breakdown are re-synthesized into short molecular chain humic substances. ACS Humifier provides the microbial species necessary to build-up the broken down organic matter into short chain humic substances while increasing the overall microbial population and its diversity.

In the STABILIZATION phase, short molecular chain humic substances extend to become long chain varieties. Volatile substances are stabilized and the microbial population expands. ACS Finisher provides the specific microbial species that continue the humification process, extending the humic substance chains, stabilizing any remaining volatile compounds and further adding to the microbial population and its diversity.