by onefireus3r | Mar 26, 2019 | Article
There are many solutions, but we have done some analyses that should help any composting business grow its profits. First, the quickest route to profitability is to enhance the value of the output product so you can obtain higher prices. If you are selling compost for...
by onefireus3r | Mar 26, 2019 | Article
Four university research projects utilizing Midwest Bio-Systems’ technology are listed below, along with the focus of each study. University of Georgia — evaluated the growth of transplants during greenhouse production and their ensuing growth and yield after...
by onefireus3r | Mar 26, 2019 | Article
Combining the Advanced Composting System (ACS) with Aeromaster compost turners and other equipment, organic inputs are broken down quickly and thoroughly:— Drum and tine profile and speed maximize the exchange of O2 and CO2 in the windrow— Moisture control system...
by onefireus3r | Mar 26, 2019 | Article
For most people, compost is seen as the domain of small scale agriculture while large scale, monocrop agriculture is completely dependent upon petroleum derived N-P-K. One Midwestern farmer, we will call him Alvin to protect his anonymity, is breaking this mold by...